Psy.D. Margarita Ortiz
Dr. in Psychology - Behavioral Specialist - Social Worker and Neuro Coach
Dr. Margarita Ortiz is a dedicated behavioral specialist with twenty years of combined experience as social worker, program supervisor, college professor, court designated consultant, and critical incident manager. Her professional experience as a clinical psychologist specialized in behavioral and human conduct makes her a life changer neuro-coach advisor to our families. Dr. Ortiz is a wonderful family oriented professional who is fully committed to social wellbeing initiatives such as designated action plans and a provider of therapy to individuals, couples, and family, participants with chronic diseases such as HIV, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia, among others. Served as court designated consultant in minors' custody cases. Her knowledge and vast experience made her an important contributor in the creation of educational modules on Family and Gender Violence, Women’s History, Intervention Models with Victims and Survivors, and Violence Prevention for the Puerto Rico Women’s Advocate Office.